WannaCry, DDos, APT10: The headlines spread anxiety and fear of viruses and hacker attacks. In the event of an accident, quick and professional handling of the security incident is crucial.
In good hands with IT professionals
If IT is at risk, the company often suffers damage. Attacks lead to high subsequent costs. The faster you can react, the smaller the damage remains. Safety-relevant events should therefore be automated as far as possible and recognized with the help of collected data. That is not easy: Data theft due to targeted attacks or dissatisfied administrators are often only visible to security experts.
A Security Operations Center provides central IT security services. It is divided into two areas:
- The Operation Control Center (OCC) ensures the ongoing operation.
- The Incident Response Center (IRC) detects and responds to security incidents.
A good Incident Response Center is characterized by a qualified and experienced team and powerful alert software. It guarantees constant availability and response options 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Quick response, around the clock
In the event of damage, experts are alerted via well-rehearsed processes. They analyze how dangerous the incident is and take the necessary measures.
In this phase, sufficient resources, a quick reaction and expert knowledge are required.